Monday, September 1, 2008

Elitist vs. Democratic

[From the AP] "It's unusual for the spouse of a presidential candidate to go on a Sunday talk show, but Cindy McCain used her 10 minutes to defend her husband from charges of elitism.

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"Georgia 'is a wonderful, young democracy,' McCain said. 'We can't let it go. We can't let a country come back in and take it back down to a Soviet-style government. This is democracy, and that's what we're all about.'

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"McCain bristled at charges by Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama that her husband is out of touch with most Americans because of the eight homes their family owns.

"'My husband was a Navy boy. His father and mother were in the Navy. I mean, there's nothing elitist about that,' she said. 'I'm offended by Barack Obama saying that about my husband.'"
-- Lara Jakes Jordan, Associated Press

(Brandon Burt)

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