Thursday, October 18, 2007

All Sexed Up

[Pill Poppers] Let's see. Where does a KSL radio reporter go when he wants a ree-ly, ree-ly objective and educated local reaction to a spicy national story? A story about how a Maine school board has decided (11-2 vote) to let middle schools provide contraceptives on-site to students without parental permission?

Why, to Utah County, natch! It's the kind of place where parents think they know what their kids are up to 24/7, but like most of us parents, they just don't. (Believe me, I know. I've got two little darlings of my own with ricocheting hormones).

It's the kind of place where parents say it's their job and not the government's, by god, to teach their kids about sex--if only they could spit out that word...s-e-x...without melting into a puddle on the kitchen floor.

Anyway, it probably goes without saying, but if your kid's school offers birth control (and Hillary Clinton will win Utah's electoral votes before that happens here) and you don't want him or her to partake, go hand-in-hand with your wee one to a clinic of your choosing. Or chain the kid to a bike rack in the back yard for 11 years.

Honestly. It's not like the principal will be handing out a pill and water to everyone after the morning announcements. Or, oh-my-god, will she?!!!

(Holly Mullen)


  1. It would all make more sense IF parents actually took the responsibility to teach their children about sex, but, no, they have no concept of how, since they learned it, behind sleep-over-closed-door, experimentation with close friends. Somehow they survived, but, gained no knowledge of how to teach their, unthought of, children. I honestly feel somewhere, youngsters must be taught by proper programs that ultimately they can teach their children and break this stupid cycle of thinking that "abstinence" work.

  2. It would all make more sense IF parents actually took the responsibility to teach their children about sex, but, no, they have no concept of how, since they learned it, behind sleep-over-closed-door, experimentation with close friends. Somehow they survived, but, gained no knowledge of how to teach their, unthought of, children. I honestly feel somewhere, youngsters must be taught by proper programs that ultimately they can teach their children and break this stupid cycle of thinking that "abstinence" work.

  3. A Canadian study recently showed that *most* kids have sex at the same age their parents and grandparents did.

    BUT 26% of younger teenagers had already had 1-6 sex partners!

    What does this tell us?

    1 - Kids can do simple math. If you are only 15 to 17 years older than your child, they are smart enough to know that their mother was having sex at 14, 15, or 16.

    2 - Parents can't do simple math.
    You have a 25% chance that YOUR child needs Plan B, condoms, or birth control pills.

    AND...those Canadian kids? It seems that they're a bit LESS promiscuous than their US counterparts.

    Canadian report:


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