Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Welcome to World-Mart

[Global Conspiracy] According to, Utah's own's Sen. Bob Bennett is one of the masterminds behind a seven-year plan to create a Transatlantic Common Market between the U.S. and Europe--and it wouldn't require congressional approval!
"The plan--currently being implemented by the Bush administration with the formation of the Transatlantic Economic Council in April 2007--appears to be following a plan written in 1939 by a world-government advocate who sought to create a Transatlantic Union as an international governing body," says WND. "An economist from the World Bank has argued in print that the formation of the Transatlantic Common Market is designed to follow the blueprint of Jean Monnet, a key intellectual architect of the European Union, recognizing that economic integration must inevitably lead to political integration."

In simpler terms, "One World Guv'ment!" To which Sen. Bennett reportedly replied, "Exxxcellent." (Bill Frost)

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