Friday, December 7, 2007

Yet Another Satisfied Customer

[Reader Love] Hey, Brandon. How come this didn't this make it into Friday's Letters Round-up? I don't get fan mail that often.

Today, I received the following e-mail from "Rob," who sent his e-mail from the address:

(The spelling and punctuation are Rob's):

“Ted,you Illegal mexican loving cocksucker.
Keep up the good job of pursuading more of these human pieces of garbage to come flooding on from over the border,bringing there spiclets of children,dieases and poverty,and lets help them fuck up our country some more! I truly hope you choke on a burrito you cock sucking,beaner loving piece of fuck."

While not apparent from the body of the e-mail, Rob appears to be reacting to the
Hits & Misses section of last week’s paper. I’m only guessing that because someone named “Rob” has appended this comment to the end of the article online: “FUCK YOU YA MEXICAN LOVING TACO FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT”

Thanks for the feedback, Rob. We at City Weekly always enjoy hearing from readers. Your commentary provides valuable insight into the anti-immigration movement. … But can we leave size out of it. (Ted McDonough)

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