Monday, September 24, 2007

Believe the Hype

[Review] I will fully admit that I'm a recovering ballet snob. I spent many years in pink tights and a black leotard, with my hair slicked back into the most flawless bun I could manage, believing that every other form of dance was totally inferior to ballet. A big part of my self-prescribed rehabilitation program is to branch out and expose myself to as many non-ballet dance performances (and classes) as possible.

Attending Transfusion Hype’s Rebirth Sept. 18 made me realize that I’m steadily overcoming my ballet snobbery. Three years ago, Rebirth’s energetic mix of hip-hop, jazz and modern dance would have sent me fleeing for the nearest exit. But I’m far enough along on my rehabilitation schedule to sincerely congratulate choreographer Ashlee Prentice for creating a thoroughly entertaining and engaging evening of dance, even if I had to fight for the first 20 minutes not to scream "high school dance company calibre!" at the top of my lungs.

Transfusion Hype’s passionate and able dancers (most notably Prentice, Lynn Palermo and Rachel Clayson), tight choreography and sharp musicality certainly had me clapping by the end of the show. (Jenny Poplar)


  1. I am a long time Dancer & also self proclaimed "ballet snob". I thought "Rebirth" was a compliment to the Salt Lake City Dance Company scene. It is a shame that the review was not more about the show than the person writing it.
    Next time I am in town I will be sure to find out if Transfusion Hype will be doing a show as it was ahead of its time, creative and the most original piece I have seen in Salt Lake for Years. Tour out of state!
    Congratulations and Good Luck!

  2. Ballet must be about as exciting as, hmm lets see here, watching paint dry! LOL

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